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JMT & Associates consulting firm focuses on the broad areas of human resources (HR) and safety. Based on years of experience, JMT & Associates is well qualified to offer human resources and safety expertise in a variety of related areas.

We strive to provide services that supplement an organization's own resources. We can either provide services on a project basis or can serve as the human resources department for organizations that do not have a formalized HR function established. Whether in an on-going human resources advice capacity, or in a specific project role, JMT & Associates recognizes its responsibility to offer the most current information and to tailor all work specifically to the client's needs and wants.

Whether you have less than ten employees or several hundred, JMT & Associates is your source for the most reliable HR/Safety information, from HR/Safety compliance to employee development. Our associates provide the expertise and resources for today's workforce solutions.
Disclaimer:  The recommendations and opinions provided by JMT & Associates, LLC are based on general human resource management fundamentals, practices and principles, and are not legal opinions or guaranteed outcomes.  We strongly recommend, as
part of a team approach to management, that clients consult with legal counsel of their choice to address legal concerns related to human resource issues.
Copyright 2022 JMT & Associates, LLC All rights reserved
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