Safety Division
We are prepared to assist you with protecting your most important asset
- your employees.

We are available on a project-specific basis or we can function as an on-going member of your management team.

Significant costs can be saved by utilizing an effective Safety and Risk Management program. For example: turnover costs, recruiting and training costs, productivity costs, and associated labor costs.
An Effective Safety and Health Plan will:

A. Reduce the extent and severity of work-related injuries and illnesses
B. Improve employee morale and productivity
C. Reduce workers' compensation costs
D. Help retention and recruiting due to reputation of a safe workplace
Our approach involves five key strategic activities:

1. Management commitment and employee involvement

ˇ Senior management/owner safety commitment statement and development
ˇ Design an effective return-to-work program
ˇ Safety incentive and award programs
ˇ Develop employee-based safety committee system

2. Work-site analysis

ˇ Conduct an OSHA mock audit
ˇ OSHA 300 log review
ˇ Ergonomic concerns
ˇ Conduct job hazard analysis

3. Hazard prevention and control

ˇ Accident investigation and analysis
ˇ Specific policy and procedure development based on your specific needs
ˇ Contractor safety program development

4. Training

ˇ Determine needed training
ˇ Identify goals and objectives
ˇ Conduct training
ˇ Evaluate program for effectiveness
ˇ New employee orientation program development

5. Follow-up and evaluation

ˇ Identification of worker fraud
ˇ Annual compliance review
* Customized safety plan development
* Teen safety issues
* New employee orientation
* Drug-free workplace
* Safety committee facilitation
* Start-up company safety plan development
* Contractor and subcontractor programs
* On-site training presentations
* OSHA 300 Log review & analysis
* Appeal hearing preparation service
* Annual refresher training
* Analyze incidence rates, frequency rates, and
severity rates
* Safety incentive programs
* Return-to-work program
* Safety compliance audits
Topic Selection
Fire extinguishers
* General safety & health rules
* Emergency action planning
* Fire safety
* Lockout/Tagout (LOTO)
* Hazard communication (HazCom)
* Ladder safety
* Personal protective equipment (PPE)
* Ergonomics
* Electrical safety
* Fall protection
* Hand and power tools
* Confined space / permit entry
* Bloodborne pathogens
* First aid/CPR
* Mobile equipment operation
* Injury/incident review
* Aerial lift operation
* Respiratory protection
* Scaffold safety
* Hearing conservation program
* Silica policy
* Lead policy
* Housekeeping & material storage
* Office safety
* Safe lifting procedures
* Hoist safety
* Forklift and pallet jack programs
* Hot work permit program
* Machine guarding
* Violence in the workplace
Call us today for a NO-COST initial consultation.

Let us handle your safety needs, so you can
focus on your core business priorities.
About Us